Complete 2025 Action! PC Baseball Game plus these seasons:
1986 Baseball Season
Baseball Great Teams Collection
Four divisions of 6 teams each with a 154-game schedule. Play with teams as a league or import them to your own leagues!
1905 New York (N), 1906 Chicago (N), 1909 Pittsburgh, 1911 Philadelphia (A), 1912 Boston, 1927 New York (A)
1929 Philadelphia, 1932 New York (A), 1936 New York (A), 1939 New York (A), 1944 St. Louis (N), 1953 Brooklyn
1954 Cleveland, 1961 New York (A), 1968 Detroit, 1970 Baltimore, 1975 Cincinnati, 1986 New York (N)
1998 Atlanta, 1998 New York (A), 2001 Seattle, 2007 Boston, 2019 Houston, 2022 Los Angeles (N)
Action! PC Baseball
Game Play
Games: Play exhibition or league games against the computer, head-to-head over the internet, or let the computer sim games or full seasons. Relive past seasons as the manager of your favorite team; draft teams and play games in a league; let the computer manage all the teams and watch the results; or set your managerial preferences for a specific team or teams and let the computer play the season.
Lineups: Fill out your own lineup manually, use a computer-generated lineup, select a saved lineup, or choose the lineup that team had in real life for the selected date.
Game Strategy: Make your own in-game decisions, or let the computer handle them for you. Selecting a pinch hitter, making a pitching change, bringing the infield in on defense, double switches, late inning defensive subs, sending a baserunner home for a close play at the plate are among the many in-game options available.
Play-by-play: Action! PC Baseball features rich and varied play-by-play with many rare plays. Customizable options include adjusting font size, play-by-play speed, or adding play-by-play bias for the home team.
Video: The popular video chalkboard displays ball flight, fielder, and base runner graphics. Choose between different display options for video chalkboard icons and player labels.
Sound: Sound effect options include game action, crowd reaction, ambient crowd noise, and more. Select to use the Microsoft Narrator for an audio play synopsis, inning recap or a full play-by-play or play synopsis.
Game Display: Easily customize your game screen. Select different locations and sizes for many display items including the play-by-box, team lineups, player displays, logos, photos, stat boxes, and more.
Past Seasons: Over 150 past seasons are available to add to your game including every season from 1880 to present, American Association, Players League, Federal League, Negro Leagues, and an impressive selection of great team collections! Every year we also produce a projection file featuring players on their new teams with stats and ratings estimated for the new season. The staff at Dave Koch Sports is continually adding to its lineup of past seasons for all Action! PC sports games.
Player Ratings: Players are rated using every available published statistic as well as expert subjective analysis. Each subjective rating—defensive range, outfield arm, catcher arm, base running, bunt, hit and run, clutch pitcher rating, and more—is essential to accurately translate real-life characteristics of the game.
Internet Play: Join one of the many internet leagues with Action fans from around the world. Host or join a game session on the internet with other Action users.
League Rosters Dashboard Screen: Access team rosters and perform other league functions. View, create, import, move, or delete teams.
Team Roster Screen: View and access players on a team’s roster and perform manager and general manager functions. Create, trade, release, import, or draft players, and edit stats and player ratings. Set team manager preferences, including team lineups, depth charts, pitching rotations, bullpen and pinch hitter preferences, and much more!
Player Form: View individual player cards, including real and replay stats, player ratings, and set player usage preferences for replay seasons.
Manager Preferences: Go in-depth to set computer manager strategies and situational player usage. Establish preferences for offensive and defensive strategies, as well as pitching changes. Set multiple lineup preferences versus left-handed and right-handed pitchers, including lineups to use against certain opposing pitchers.
Modify Team: Edit team colors, home ballparks, logos, uniforms, fonts, and other team information.
Create New League: Import teams and players from any purchased seasons to create a custom league of your own! Use an existing season to draft players onto new teams via human or computer general managers or create a league full of your favorite teams of the past.
Draft League Functions: Build a draft league using an existing season file. Draft players onto teams, create teams, and perform trades and other general manager functions. Have the computer generate a schedule or build your own, customize rules, and zip league files easily to send to other league members.
Historical Era Data: Action! PC Baseball contains era data and year-by-year stats for every ballpark since 1880. When replaying a game with teams or players from different eras, batters and pitcher statistics are adjusted by comparing league average stats from their era with the era in which the game is being played.
Ballparks: Every big-league ballpark from 1876 to present has its own statistical breakdown for every season that it was in use. See how A-Rod might have hit in 2002 if he played his home games at Coors Field; or see how many home runs “The Babe” might have hit it at the park on 2022!
Database: Analyze league data with this powerful tool. Choose from many standard reports or create a custom report. Filter and sort your report in any way imaginable including all players in the league who meet your report qualifications. Prepare simple reports (ex. the number of home runs second-basemen hit in 2022) or in-depth reports (ex. on-base percentage at home games).
Box scores: Comprehensive box scores are viewable during or after a game, as well as for every completed game played during a replay season. Each box score contains standard batting and pitching stats, as well as scoresheets for both teams, a game recap, play-by-play, and a game film featuring the full text of each play.
Game Recaps: Create a report featuring recaps of completed games for a single team or for the entire league. Build a report featuring a recap of each game on a single day, every game during a week, or for every game of the season. Recaps include a line score, scoring plays, and top individual performances, and are customizable to include a box score with each recap.
Encyclopedia: Archive and view real or replay stats from previous seasons. View and sort individual and team stats, player and team records, and career leaders based on seasons added to the encyclopedia. Great for archiving and accessing stats and history for leagues.
Leader Boards: View league batting, pitching, and fielding leaders for real or replay seasons. Sort leaders by multiple categories or create your own custom leaderboard report.
Team Reports: View, sort, and build team reports based on real or replay stats. Build customizable reports including team batting, pitching, and fielding stats, as well as left/right batting and pitching splits.
Leader Boards: View league leaders in many customized statistical categories. Action! PC Baseball Leader Boards include hundreds of standard statistics as well as many unique stats you can use to create your own leader boards. You can also view leaders by date.
Player Game Logs: View day-by-day reports for any player. Click a game to view the complete box score.
Batter vs Pitcher Matchup Analysis: View potential play results for any batter vs pitcher matchup in your league.
Box Search: Scan all completed games to find special events. Click any of the found results to view the complete box score.
League Reports: Compare teams in your league by any batting pitching or fielding statistics! Our standings report displays division and wild card standings.
It Feels Like Real Baseball!
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