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2024 Hockey Game: Deluxe(2023-24 Season+)

Price: $49.00
Sale Price: $42.63

Includes the complete 2024 Action! PC Hockey Game plus:

2023-24 Season

1995-96 Season

1970-71 Season

1958-59 Season

Great Teams Collection
24 of the greatest teams of all time!  Play with teams as a league or import them to your own leagues. Included with all game packages!

1951 Detroit, 1955 Montreal, 1961 Toronto, 1968 Montreal, 1971 Boston, 1972 Montreal

1974 Philadelphia, 1976 Montreal. 1981 New York , 1983 Edmonton, 1986 Edmonton, 1988 Calgary

1991 Pittsburgh, 1993 New York R, 1995 Colorado, 1998 Dallas, 2000 Colorado, 2001 Detroit

2007 Detroit, 2009 Chicago, 2016 Pittsburgh, 2019 Tampa Bay, 2021 Colorado, 2022 Boston

 Action! PC Hockey 

Game Play

Games: Play exhibition or league games against the computer, head-to-head over the internet, or let the computer sim games or full seasons. Relive past seasons as the coach of your favorite team; draft teams and play games in a league; let the computer coach all the teams and watch the results; or set your coaching preferences for a specific team or teams and let the computer play the season.

Lineups: Fill out your own lines manually, use computer-generated lines, or select saved lines.

Game Strategy: Make your own in-game decisions, or let the computer handle them for you.

Play-by-play: Action! PC Hockey features rich and varied play-by-play with many rare plays. Customizable options include adjusting font size, play-by-play speed, or adding play-by-play bias for the home team.

Video: The popular video chalkboard displays shot results.

Sound: Sound effect options include game action, crowd reaction, ambient crowd noise, and more. Select to use the Microsoft Narrator for an audio play synopsis, period recap or a full play-by-play or play synopsis.

Game Display: Easily customize your game screen.

Past Seasons: Over 80 past seasons are available to add to your game including every season from 1950 to present and an impressive selection of great team collections! Every year we also produce a projection file featuring players on their new teams with stats and ratings estimated for the new season. The staff at Dave Koch Sports is continually adding to its lineup of past seasons for all Action! PC sports games.

Player Ratings: Players are rated using every available published statistic as well as expert subjective analysis.

Internet Play: Join one of the many internet leagues with Action fans from around the world. Host or join a game session on the internet with other Action users.


League Rosters Dashboard Screen: Access team rosters and perform other league functions. View, create, import, move, or delete teams.

Team Roster Screen: View and access players on a team’s roster and perform coach and general manager functions. Create, trade, release, import, or draft players, and edit stats and player ratings. Set team coach preferences, including team lines, depth charts, goalies, even daily dressed lists!

Player Form: View individual player cards, including real and replay stats, player ratings, and set player usage preferences for replay seasons.

Coach Preferences: Go in-depth to set computer coach strategies and situational player usage. Establish preferences for offensive, defensive strategies, special teams strategies, line usage and much more!.

Modify Team: Edit team colors, home arenas, logos, uniforms, fonts, and other team information.

Create New League: Import teams and players from any purchased seasons to create a custom league of your own! Use an existing season to draft players onto new teams via human or computer general managers or create a league full of your favorite teams of the past.

Draft League Functions: Build a draft league using an existing season file. Draft players onto teams, create teams, and perform trades and other general manager functions. Have the computer generate a schedule or build your own, customize rules, and zip league files easily to send to other league members.


Database: Analyze league data with this powerful tool. Choose from many standard reports or create a custom report. Filter and sort your report in any way imaginable including all players in the league who meet your report qualifications.

Box scores: Comprehensive box scores are viewable during or after a game, as well as for every completed game played during a replay season. Each box score contains myriad stats, play-by-play, and a game film featuring the full text of each play.

Game Recaps: Create a report featuring recaps of completed games for a single team or for the entire league. Build a report featuring a recap of each game on a single day, every game during a week, or for every game of the season.

Encyclopedia: Archive and view real or replay stats from previous seasons. View and sort individual and team stats, player and team records, and career leaders based on seasons added to the encyclopedia. Great for archiving and accessing stats and history for leagues.

Leader Boards: View league leaders for real or replay seasons. Sort leaders by multiple categories or create your own custom leaderboard report.

Team Reports: View, sort, and build team reports based on real or replay stats. You can even build customizable reports.

Leader Boards: View league leaders in many customized statistical categories. Action! PC Hockey Leader Boards include hundreds of standard statistics as well as many unique stats you can use to create your own leader boards. You can also view leaders by date.

Player Game Logs: View day-by-day reports for any player. Click a game to view the complete box score.

Box Search: Scan all completed games to find special events. Click any of the found results to view the complete box score.

League Reports: Compare teams in your league in a wide variety of categories.

 It Feels Like Real Hockey! 

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